Colin King 300k

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Congratulations to Colin King on his 300k in Australia. This distance was achieved in January 5th 2019. Here is a link to view the flight on the OLC and comments below directly from Colin himself.

First solo cross country flight. A long time coming and in keeping with that, it took a long time to get around the 300km task! All previously learnt lessons were discarded as I took every thermal in order to stay high. The first leg was from Benalla to Walbundrie. Apron strings were cut as I headed out over the Warbies towards Rutherglen, along the way picking up a very rough thermal. Rounding Walbundrie the clouds weren’t looking as good and the spacing was greater. I found a climb over a hill which gave me altitude and confidence again. Rounding Tocumwal, the route back to Benalla wasn’t looking great. I set off hoping to pick up something, anything along the way. Two thirds along the leg a strong thermal was found which was unexpected. This gave me lots of altitude for a safe arrival back in Benalla. Fantastic day!

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