A Few words from our Cheif Flying Instructor Cecily Begley..
A great first day to the Task week and course. Our course member, Carl, had his two first flights β welcome, Carl.
Pawel Nowak and Richard Irvine had their first (Irish) solos (Richard last week). Yes, of course they both were solo in Poland and the UK, respectively, before but itβs still an achievement to fly out of our small airfield. Richard also soloed last week (and again today) in our Tug BIK.
Brian and Peter took part in the set task for the seniors, both landing back eventually after lots of soaring.
And then β two Silver distances .
Ron went to Leighlinbridge and came part way back and landed across the road from Kilrush; total 80km. PJ went to Bagnelstown and came part way back and landed at Mullamast; total 96km.
Congratulations to them all.
And a big thank you to Kevin for setting the tasks, and the duty crew for tugging, instructing and running the field.