A new year 2020 and a recap of 2019

Luckily enough Wednesday 1st January 2020 was flyable, and Peter Moskovits took to the sky with the first flight of 2020. Funny enough that Peter Moskovits also had the last flight out of Gowran on Monday 30th December 2019. There were many events throughout the year of 2019 and here is a recap of some … Read more

Owen Grogan LS1 Flight

A big congratulations to Owen Grogan who took a first flight in his LS1 today. Owen purchased his LS1 earlier this year and has spent many months preparing his glider for its Irish maiden flight. The weather conditions have not been very favorable to Owen over the last couple of months. However, today had light … Read more

Kerry Safari 2020

We have only finished this years safari but next years dates are confirmed. Don’t miss our annual Kerry Safari. Every year Dublin Gliding Club make their way to Kerry’s Inch and Fermoyle beach. Gliders are launched from the beach into the air by car-tow to a height of 1200 to 1500 feet. Its just enough … Read more

Liam and PJ Silver Duration

A big congratulations to Liam Keegan and PJ Moran for achieving their silver 5 hour duration today at Ulster Gliding Club. Liam and PJ took advantage of favorable winds on the ridge today and claimed the magic 5 hours. Well done .

Owen Grogan Bronze

Congratulations to Owen Grogan for achieving his Bronze certificate at Dublin Gliding Club this September. Owen is a very active member of DGC and has spent many weekends working on his flying skills to satisfy the bronze badge requirements. Well done.

Kerry Pictures 2019

Kerry has come and gone for this year but for those who could not make it, have a look at a few pictures that were taken from Inch and Fermoyle beach. Kerry Pic’s 2019 Keep an eye on the club calendar for next years trip.

PJ Moran takes his new Libelle out for the first time.

Congratulations to PJ for taking his maiden flight in his Libelle today. PJ purchased his Libelle back in June 2019 and the day finally arrived on Saturday 7th September for it first flight out of Gowran Grange. The flying conditions were very good with a gentle NNW breeze. Soaring conditions over Naas were very good … Read more

TG4 Filming At DGC 14/8/2019

We welcomed the TG4 team to the Dublin gliding club today. They were filming for an upcoming programme about aircraft aerodynamics. Fergus Denman flew the presenter Peadar O Goill in our K21 and this flight will feature in the programme. The segment on gliding in DGC will appear on the show “Is Eolai Mé” in … Read more

Andras Mazan 500KM Cross Country Flight

Congratulations to Andras Mazan who completed a flight of over 500KM on the 16th July 2019 in Hungary. Andras has been busy on his trip to Hungry and this is just one of many he has completed Andy landed just 5KM from the airfield on his final leg. You can check out Andras flight on … Read more

BBQ at DGC July 2019

Sunday was a beautiful day with brilliant sunshine and a promise of a very busy launch point. A promise which came true. A BBQ was organised by PJ for the close of flying. There were rumours of several 50km tasks which turned out to be just that, rumours, as the day did not develop into … Read more