June Update – 16/6/23

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June 2023 got off to a flying start, with three very active days during the bank holiday weekend. There was a steady succession of launches, and we were pleased to see some long-term members returning to fly with us, as well as new members.

The TCD project on women’s participation in the sport is now getting into its stride, and several participants have already taken a number of flights under the scheme. The club also ran the first of this year’s five-day dual-instruction courses. There is another similar course upcoming at the end of June.

So far the longest flight of the year has been posted by Pavel Nowak, staying aloft and travelling in his Pegase for five-hours – well, four hours and fifty-seven minutes actually. We noted last month that Rudi Villing had completed his SPL qualifications, and this month he has received the actual documents through the post, to congratulations all round; what’s more he has taken his first flights in the ASW19 he now shares with Liam Keegan.

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