Aircraft Movements

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With the upturn in weather after July had gone, we have had more action in the air with some good flying days. There are also aircraft movements of another sort over the some that should be noted. Kenn McDonagh has acquired the DG200 from Peter Denman. Peter owned this glider for some twenty-five years, enjoying many flights over many parts of Ireland and central England; we wish Kenn equal enjoyment with it.

Rudi Villing has moved into the ASW 19, and has put up some considerable airtime in it (as well as in club gliders) notwithstanding the difficult weather. The second of our tug planes, Super Cub “Oscar Oscar”, has returned from the north where it had been providing launches for the Ulster Gliding Club at Bellarena while their own tow plane was out of action. We were pleased to facilitate our friends in UGC, who have often helped us in the past.

There’s more positioning in prospect for the club ASK13 and a Ka8 later this month, when they – together with a number of privately-owned gliders – will be trailered down to west Kerry. This is for
the annual safari fortnight, using car tows to launch and fly the hills and cliffs of the Dingle

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