Online Talks April – May

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On Wednesday 25th April, Damien Molloy kicked off our online talks via Zoom to give a lecture on Principles of Flight. Over the next two months the topics below will be covered by our club’s Instructors. Well worth a listen and a huge thanks to our lecturers and all involved.

How the magic happens (principles of flight)
Radio procedure, including the English language proficiency test
Flying in Kerry
Ridge and wave soaring
All you ever wanted to know about sideslipping
Safety seminar (repeat) Part 1
Instruments and how they work
Safety seminar (repeat) Part 2
Practical navigation
All you ever wanted to know about turns and steep turns
How to fly the perfect circuit
Getting ready to fly
Perfect landings and how to do them (even in cross-winds)
Thermal soaring

More To Explore

VIP Visitors

Wow! How privileged were we. Fresh in from flying in fast jets across Europe as well as with none other than the spectacular red Arrows, the intrepid adventurers Capt Paddy T Bear & Lucky came to fly with us in Leinster Gliding Centre. Of course, there is a mission… and that’s to raise much needed

What’s Up – June 2024

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