Aircraft Movements

With the upturn in weather after July had gone, we have had more action in the air with some good flying days. There are also aircraft movements of another sort over the some that should be noted. Kenn McDonagh has acquired the DG200 from Peter Denman. Peter owned this glider for some twenty-five years, enjoying

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July ’23 – A case of “be ready for when the sun shines!”

Recent weeks have posed some challenges on the weather front, not least for the club barbeque and gathering on Saturday 22nd July;  in true press-on spirit, the event went ahead anyway. Wet conditions cause a marked deterioration in performance in some gliders, but not in the pilots when there’s a glowing grill and a plate of paella! While some

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Kerry Safari 2023 – Looking Ahead

This year’s annual club safari to Kerry is scheduled for the fortnight from 23rd September to 8th October.  Regulars won’t need to be reminded about it, but anyone wanting to sample this unique gliding experience should plan to clear a few days (or the full fortnight) to attend. The safari is intended for solo pilots, with the two-seater

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June Update – 16/6/23

June 2023 got off to a flying start, with three very active days during the bank holiday weekend. There was a steady succession of launches, and we were pleased to see some long-term members returning to fly with us, as well as new members. The TCD project on women’s participation in the sport is now

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May Roundup

The soaring season got going properly during the month, with lengthy sorties by solo pilots becoming the norm. At the same time training in the club aircraft continued unabated, with over ninety training flights in May. Among the achievements were PJ Moran’s 100k triangle in his Libelle to gain his Cross-Country Diploma, and Ian De

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Summer Courses Announced

Our summer courses are now filling fast. They occur this year on the following dates: Subject to demand, there is the possibility of a further course being arranged in late July. However, this is subject to demand so if you are interested please let us know by contacting us as soon as possible The cost

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Irish Glider Flight Qualifies for International Award

In August 2022, our very own Peter Denman not only achieved his Gold Badge by completing a 300km flight but, in doing so, became the first glider pilot to achieve all parts of this Gold Badge (there are three parts) here in Ireland. This fantastic achievement is fully covered in Flying In Ireland, the report

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An Exciting Research Study

Leinster Gliding Centre is delighted to announce that in partnership with the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Trinity College Dublin we have been recruiting candidates to take part in a study on the experience of participating in learning to fly gliders in a typical gliding club environment. The participants in the study will become

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Kerry Safari News Bulletin

FIFTIETH GLIDING EXPEDITION TO WEST KERRY  –    25th September to 11th October The 2021 gliding safari to the beaches of west Kerry takes place from 25th September to 11th October. This is the fiftieth year in succession that Irish glider pilots – often joined by others from the UK, various European countries, the US and

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