Kerry 2023 – keeping the sand out…
Looking back on 2023, as usual one of the highlights was the autumn safari to Kerry. Storm Agnes knocked out some of the flying days, but we still managed to get flying. Here’s a picture of the K18 standing by to be launched into the air by a car tow. But what’s that “ground equipment” next
LGC Shortlisted in Irish Aviation Awards
The Leinster Gliding Centre is both delighted and honoured to have been shortlisted in this year’s Irish Aviation Awards within the General & Sport Aviation category. The winners of the various categories will be announced at the awards ceremony to be held on 30 November. More information is available here: Aviation Industry Awards 2023 (
What’s Up – Sept 2023
The Sept 2023 edition of What’s Up is now available. Follow the link below to read our latest newsletter which has now been published.
Leinster Gliding Centre @ TY2023
It was with pleasure that Leinster Gliding Centre attended this year’s Transition Year Show at the Sport Ireland Campus. As an organisation, we are determined to be as open and inclusive as possible. Further, we recognise the enormous contribution that sports such as gliding can make to STEM training. Joining us at the event was
Aircraft Movements
With the upturn in weather after July had gone, we have had more action in the air with some good flying days. There are also aircraft movements of another sort over the some that should be noted. Kenn McDonagh has acquired the DG200 from Peter Denman. Peter owned this glider for some twenty-five years, enjoying
July ’23 – A case of “be ready for when the sun shines!”
Recent weeks have posed some challenges on the weather front, not least for the club barbeque and gathering on Saturday 22nd July; in true press-on spirit, the event went ahead anyway. Wet conditions cause a marked deterioration in performance in some gliders, but not in the pilots when there’s a glowing grill and a plate of paella! While some
What’s Up Summer 2023
Our latest newsletter, What’s Up, is now available. Download it now by clicking on the image below:
Kerry Safari 2023 – Looking Ahead
This year’s annual club safari to Kerry is scheduled for the fortnight from 23rd September to 8th October. Regulars won’t need to be reminded about it, but anyone wanting to sample this unique gliding experience should plan to clear a few days (or the full fortnight) to attend. The safari is intended for solo pilots, with the two-seater
June Update – 16/6/23
June 2023 got off to a flying start, with three very active days during the bank holiday weekend. There was a steady succession of launches, and we were pleased to see some long-term members returning to fly with us, as well as new members. The TCD project on women’s participation in the sport is now