Voucher holders Update

With the easing of restrictions coming into play, Dublin Gliding Club will be looking at outstanding voucher holders and the ability to arrange a flight. If you are a voucher holder and you would like to get in touch to schedule a flight in the near future then you can get in touch with the … Read more

Update April 2021

The current situation………..Dublin Gliding Club are still waiting on Government restrictions to be lifted and some normalisation to return. To this end, we cannot except non members to come and visit us and we cannot resume any Air Experience flights. In late March and April, we have had the opportunity to allow for Instructors, Tug … Read more

Kerry Safari part 2

The end of the last bulletin looked forward to two days of good flying to round off the safari. We weren’t disappointed,  with Thursday proving to be great day on Fermoyle. It was clear and mostly sunny, hardly anyone on the beach,  and best of all no high tide until well after sunset. There was … Read more

OLC Championship Ireland

Probably un-noticed by most if not all of us the 2020 OLC season is history. Certainly historic given everthing that was thrown at us. Only 10 pilots posted scoring flights – less than half of the numbers of recent years and only one of those managed to fill all 6 available slots. The thing about … Read more

Kerry Safari

A summary of the Kerry Safari, written by Peter Denman We are midway through week two of what is a rather different Kerry fortnight. Because of the pandemic precautions in force, a number of the usual suspects and potential first-timers either couldn’t, or decided not to, take part, so we are at most a dozen … Read more

500k Andy Mazan

Congratulations to Andy who completed a 500km task in his home country of Hungry. Type of glider:  Ventus 16,6m, Takeoff location: Dunaujvaros Twr (HU) I f you want to view Andy’s task you can find it here on the OLC website

Dublin Gliding Club is back flying

The good news is that we are back flying again since June 29th. It was announced by the Government that, from June 29th, all sporting activities, including contact sports, may resume as well as hairdressers and barbers. In view of this relaxing of restrictions, the IGSA no longer advises against dual flying provided steps are … Read more

Condor Online Game

On Saturday, Michael Shannon hosted a club online Condor competition. This was a teaser event to test out our connections and any possible failures. We got off to a bad start with several restarts required to the server but eventually 4 eager glider pilots connected. Colin King bravely shared his screen via Zoom to several … Read more

Online Talks April – May

On Wednesday 25th April, Damien Molloy kicked off our online talks via Zoom to give a lecture on Principles of Flight. Over the next two months the topics below will be covered by our club’s Instructors. Well worth a listen and a huge thanks to our lecturers and all involved. How the magic happens (principles … Read more

Condor Online Meeting

Saturday saw its first Microsoft Teams meeting to discuss the use of Condor. Condor is a gilding simulator which has been around for many years but recently has had major updates . While there is no flying for the immediate future due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Condor can keep you in the sky even if … Read more